Fast to develop
Get rid of boilerplate code and don't reinvent the wheel. Changes in your config, routes, messages or templates are taken on the fly!
Kalgan helps you to develop fast while keeping things simple and secure. It provides a robust set of features so you can focus on writing your app only.
It takes the best of the best web frameworks out there. It doesn't matter if you're new to Rust's ecosystem, if you're familiar with other frameworks you'll manage with Kalgan easily.
Current Version: 0.9.1
Get StartedGet rid of boilerplate code and don't reinvent the wheel. Changes in your config, routes, messages or templates are taken on the fly!
Kalgan makes things simpler and takes the best of other web frameworks. Even if you're new to Rust you'll find it easy to use.
Kalgan is robust and fast. High performance and strong security are guaranteed.
Routes are not hardcoded in the source code but encapsulated in a different component. This provides flexibility a cleaner structure.
Kalgan is integrated with Tera. Probably the best template engine for Rust out here.
Kalgan comes with a friendly translation system out of the box which integrates with Tera.
Kalgan provides full support to manage cookie and session objects easily.
SQLx integration, cache system, SMTP mailer, security tools, error handling...